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To Support Creating A Life You Love

On our resources page, we will be including not only books, but articles, TED Talks, YouTube videos, etc. that we discovered and have used to help us create lives we love.

Some show us a new perspective, some challenge us to try something different and some push us to delve deeper into the WHY of things.  Peruse away and email us your favorites! 

Discover Joy Cover

Monthly Items!

We release a new book and digital pages for you to use every month as part of our Members Only! community. Each month has a theme and we support your journey to go deeper into self exploration and incorporate new ideas into the life you are creating.

Subscribe on the Become A Member page!

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A new earth book cover
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A New Earth

Eckhart Tolle

The Untethered Soul

Michael A. Singer

the untethered book cover
Pink Sugar
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Pink Sugar

The Book
Of Joy

Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu


Ingrid Fetell Lee

Joyful book cover

The shared experience of absurdity by Charlie Todd

Article on Joy


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